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Force Venue

Force a specific venue

It is possible to constraint the localization only to a predetermined venue. During the SDK Initialization, specify the forcedVenueId, this way the SDK will remain in SearchVenueState until it localize the phone inside the venue. Other venues will be ignored and if detected the SDK will return to SearchVenueState

nextomeSdk = NextomeLocalizationSdk(
clientId = CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret = CLIENT_SECRET,
context = context as ApplicationContext,
forcedVenueId = FORCED_VENUE_ID
nextomeSdk = NextomeLocalizationSdk.Builder(clientId: CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET)
.setForceVenueId(venueId: myVenueId)


If you want to always show a specific indoor map and enable the localization only for a specific venue you can combine Initial resources and Force specific venue functionality. Use getVenueResources to retrieve the image resources to initialize the map and use the callback from the Getting started section to react on position updates and floor changes.