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A marker is the graphics componend that show an information in a exact point of the map. NextomeMapView manage three different type of markers:

  • Marker, the generic marker represented by an image
  • Path, a list of points connected by a customizable line
  • Shape, a list of points that represented a polygon


The NMMarker. Is a simple marker represented by an image. Support jpeg, png and gif and it can be loaded from an url, from the Flutter asset folder and from a custom folder on the device.

Marker class description

Property Description Default
id: String The identification assigned to the marker null
objType: String Hold the type of marker if the developer want to take trace about that null
objMeta: String Hold some custom information if the developer want to take trace about that null
visible: Bool Set if the markr is visible or not null
x: Double Determinate the x position on the map 0
y: Double Determinate the y position on the map 0
anchor: NMAnchorPoint Determinate the center of the marker based on x,y position CENTER
zindex: Int The sorting rendering index 0
width: Double Determinate the width of the marker 0
height: Double Determinate the height of the marker 0
rotate: Bool Determinate if the marker rotate with the map or if it remains screen-vertical oriented false
scale: Bool Determinate if the marker scale with the map or if it remains with a fixed screen-size false
source: String Determinate the path of the image that can be JPEG, PNG or GIF null
sourceType: NMMSourceType Determinate the source type of the image, it can be from an url, from Flutter folder asset, or a custom platform path INTERNET
onTap: Function Callback event fired when the widget is tapped null

Add a Marker

Add a Marker to an existing layer called "LayerA"

var marker: NMMarker = NMMarker() = "1234"
marker.x = 1000.0
marker.y = 1000.0
marker.height = 30.0
marker.width = 30.0
marker.source = "PATH TO IMAGE"
marker.sourceType = NMSourceType.FILESYSTEM

mapview.addMarker("layerA", marker)
var marker: NMMarker = NMMarker() = "1234"
marker.x = 1000.0
marker.y = 1000.0
marker.height = 30.0
marker.width = 30.0
marker.source = "PATH TO IMAGE"
marker.sourceType = NMSourceType.FILESYSTEM

NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.addMarker(layerId: "layerA", marker: marker)


The NMPath. Is marker that show a path on a map.

Path Class description

Property Description Default
id: String The identification assigned to the marker null
objType: String Hold the type of marker if the developer want to take trace about that null
objMeta: String Hold some custom information if the developer want to take trace about that null
visible: Bool Set if the markr is visible or not null
zindex: Int The sorting rendering index 0
points: List<NMPoint> A list of path points [ ]
width: Double Determinate the stroke width 1
color: Color The color of the path null
style: NMLineStyle The style of the path, NORMAL or DOT NORMAL

Add a Path

Add a Path to an existing layer called "LayerA"

var path: NMPath = NMPath()
path.color = NMColor(255, 100, 100)
path.width = 2.0; = NMLineStyle.DOT = "path_id"
path.points = listOf(NMPoint(1000.0, 1000.0), NMPoint(3000.0, 3000.0))

mapview.addPath("layerA", marker)
var path: NMPath = NMPath()
path.color = NMColor(r: 255, g: 100, b: 100)
path.width = 2.0; = NMLineStyle.DOT = "path_id"
path.points = [NMPoint(x: 1000.0, y: 1000.0), NMPoint(x: 3000.0, y: 3000.0)]

NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.addPath(layerId: "layerA", path:path)


The NMShape. Is marker that show a shape on a map.

Shape Class description

Property Description Default
id: String The identification assigned to the marker null
objType: String Hold the type of marker if the developer want to take trace about that null
objMeta: String Hold some custom information if the developer want to take trace about that null
visible: Bool Set if the markr is visible or not null
zindex: Int The sorting rendering index 0
x: Double Determinate the center x position on the map 0
y: Double Determinate the center y position on the map 0
points: List<NMPoint> A list of shape points null
radius: Double The radious of the circle shape null
relative: Bool Determinate if the points positions are relative to the center or are in absolute values false
borderWidth: Double Determinate the stroke width 1
borderColor: Color The color of the path null
borderStyle: NMLineStyle The style of the path, NORMAL or DOT false
fillColor: Color Determinate the fill color null
label: String Determinate a text can be shown at the center of the shape null
rotateLabel: Bool Determinate if the label have to rotate with the map or it have to be vertical aligned with the screen false
labelStyle: String The label text style provided as JSON (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) null
holePoints: List<NMPoint> A list of points represented an hole into the shape null

Add a Shape

Add a Shape to an existing layer called "LayerA"

var shape: NMShape = NMShape() = "ShapeId"
shape.borderWidth = 3.0
shape.borderColor = NMColor(100, 255, 255)
shape.fillColor = NMColor(100, 100, 255, 0.23)
shape.relative = false
shape.points = listOf(NMPoint(1300.0, 1500.0), NMPoint(3500.0, 3500.0), NMPoint(1300.0,3500.0))

mapview.addShape("layerA", marker)
var shape: NMShape = NMShape() = "ShapeId"
shape.borderWidth = 3.0
shape.borderColor = NMColor(r: 100, g: 255, b: 255)
shape.fillColor = NMColor(r: 100, g: 100, b: 255, a: 0.23)
shape.relative = false
shape.points = [NMPoint(x: 1300.0, y: 1500.0), NMPoint(x: 3500.0, y: 3500.0), NMPoint(x: 1300.0, y: 3500.0)]

NextomeMapViewHandler.instance.addShape(layerId: "layerA", shape: shape)